SMASH ( Sydney Mangas and Anime Show 2012) Cosplay Pimps

I am so so behind on these but I’ve been really caught up. Please accept my most humble apologies.


And so I attended my first ‘Western’ convention in the name of SMASH at Sydney last month (OMG where did all the time go?!) and had such a blast!

Check out my first SMASH entry here!
I also uploaded an event video here!

The event hall felt so big for tiny me and I spend most of my time taking photographs of other cosplayers when I’m not covering the stage event. Much thanks to all the cosplayers who posed for me and exchanged coscards with me ^_^! The culture hasn’t quite started in Sydney yet but I guess it soon will~

A second batch of Cosplayer photos will come soon ^_^! Look forward!